Alternative Funeral Options
When you think of a funeral – most think of a coffin, covered in flowers, driven in a hearse to a church or crematorium filled with mourners. And for some people, that feels right. But for others – that isn’t what they want for themselves or their loved one, but...Sunlife Cost of Dying Report 2023 – our response
As the cost of dying has reached £9,200, we are urging bereaved Scots to seek help before paying. The recent news that the overall cost of dying has increased to well over £9,000 will be making a lot of people worry how they will pay, should a loved one pass away...
Funeral costs training – free online workshop
For charities, advice providers and care workers Wednesday 8th February 2023 12 noon – 1.30pm Caledonia Funeral Aid is a new, not-for-profit, organisation set up specifically to address the issue of funeral poverty for the people of Scotland. We are offering a free...
Caledonia Funeral Aid – free bereavement advice
Caledonia Funeral Aid* is a charity owned and operated social enterprise. Our vision is for a Scotland where everyone can afford a dignified funeral, personal to their needs. We offer free support to members of the public or those who work with bereaved people who...